Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ohhhh, this is too good! (Part 2)

Well, I didn't realize when I posted that way too easy Michelle Bachmann pic this morning that it would be part of a series....

Oh, my. Just keep handing me the jokes. This is (as Jeff Tartakov put it) "would be First Lady Marcus" displaying his *ahem* technique. Considering this "de-gaying" crusader is likely the next overly vocal homophobe due a savage outing, this pic's an even bigger gift that the first one!

Keep it coming, GOP!

1 comment:

  1. You know how sometimes things go through your mind really fast when you're having a traumatic moment? This is what is going through Marcus' mind:

    "OMG!, OMG!, I'm'm feeling a little familiar tingle...I just HATE these things so much! ....oooo...where's the bathroom...oh I need to call my sponsor...he'll talk me through this..."
